Sit & Tell Juror Announced: Antionette D. Carroll
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Antionette D. Carroll has been confirmed as a talent judge for the AIGA Toledo Sit & Tell project!

Antionette is the founder and executive director of Creative Reaction Lab, a social enterprise cultivating creative leadership to improve the human experience through immersive challenges. Using her background in graphic design and non-profit management, Antionette founded Creative Reaction Lab in response to the death of Michael Brown, Jr. on August 9, 2014. As a practicing social impact design strategist and consultant, Antionette knew the importance of the merging of design methodologies and social entrepreneurship to create community-wide impact. Considering the first lab as a pilot prototype, Antionette has grown Creative Reaction Lab from a rapid, local response to a social enterprise that brings community stakeholders together to design innovative solutions combating systemic human rights challenges.

Throughout her career, Antionette has worked, in in-house and freelance capacities, for non-profits working for social justice, human rights, and diversity and inclusion. Through her independent consultancy, she has expanded her clientele to include social entrepreneurs, corporate social responsibility departments, diversity and inclusion practitioners, and more.

Antionette’s personal mission in life is to CHALLENGE standards, make CHANGE, and CHAMPION approaches resulting in foundational and community impact.

In addition to leading Creative Reaction Lab, Antionette is an active community volunteer. Antionette was named the Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force of AIGA: The Professional Association of Design in 2014. At the local level, she is currently serving as the President of AIGA St. Louis. Antionette also sits on several awards and programming committees for local and national non-profits. Antionette often receives invitations to sit on panels and speak on the importance of community activism in the arts, social impact design, social innovation, and diversity and inclusion in the advertising and graphic design industries.

In 2015, Antionette was named a StartingBloc Fellow, one of ALIVE Magazine’s 20 Under 40 Artists to Watch, and Delux Magazine’s Power 100. Antionette is a Community Arts Training Fellow. In 2014, Antionette was accepted in the inaugural class of the School of Visual Arts’ Business of Social Design Intensive. In 2013, Antionette was recognized by the Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life its Amethyst Honoree, and she graduated from the Focus St. Louis Emerging Leaders Program. She was also named the inaugural Katherine Dunham Fellow in Arts Administration by the Regional Arts Commission in 2011.

When she is not working (which as a mom, wife, and entrepreneur usually equals never), she is watching science fiction, action and Asian cinema, reading, practicing handlettering, coloring with her children, and adding to her shoe collection.

By aigatoledo
Published February 23, 2016
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