We’ve Come For Your Data! Attendee Survey: Design Week 2015

Thank you for helping us put on another great event through Toledo Design Week. We’ll be posting a recap of the event soon, but we also want to reach out to those in the community who were able to attend and ask them to give us some valuable feedback about the event. This online form is quick and painless, should take only a minute or two.

Your insight will help us to shape future events and is confidential.

Stay tuned for a really exciting guest speaker coming up for the conclusion of TDW, this Monday, September 28 2015 at BGSU we welcome renown design strategist and key founder of the Design For Good campaign, Doug Powell. Don’t miss out!


Design Briefs Post-Event Survey

Register for FREE for design week events here.

By aigatoledo
Published October 4, 2015
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